Sunday, 20 September 2015

Andrew Goodwin's theory

Andrew Goodwin is a music director and he believed that all pop videos had a different structure rather than a traditional narrative analysis. He believed that pop videos approach narrative from a different angle to novels and films.

The reasons for the different narrative structures are because:
  • Pop videos are built around songs
  • Pop songs use the singer both as narrator and character
  • The singer often looks directly at the camera

Pop videos rely on repetition; videos often repeat images and/or parts of the song. Intertexuality means we can become familiar with the genre and have certain expectations. 

The visualization of a song may go beyond the original meaning. Some videos may provide a visual pleasure that encourages numerous views, which promotes the music. The videos may promote films as well, showing that there are three types of relations between songs and videos:

Illustration – this is where the video tells the story of the lyric:

This video is illustrative because it shows Eminem standing on rooftops and giving examples of confident body language, showing that he is ‘not afraid’ of anything or anyone anymore.

Amplification – this occurs when the videos introduce new meanings that do not contradict with the lyric but add layers of meanings:

Disjuncture – this is where the little connection between the lyric and video or where the video contradicts the lyric:

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