Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Task 57: Screenshots of Ancillary products in production

During the production of my ancillary products I first went for a 'grayscale' image mode but after realising this effect didn't give the work justice. So I opted to us the 'quick selection tool' for the picture and 'refine edge' to provide a transparent/or any colour background. 


Then I used the effect of 'double exposure' intertwining the image I edited earlier of the artist with the 'quick selection tool' and a picture of the scenery which the beach and made a holo effect of the artist with the scenery making up the colours, providing a unique effect and corresponding to our music video due to the fact that it was black and white. But the colour on the album cover represents the feelings and emotions of the artist.

For the inside cover of the album, I went for a simple design the the same picture of the scenery as the front for the inside cover with a 'HDR toning' effect to slightly darken and amplify the image. The disk for the album consists of a 'Dreamcatcher' on the front as it shows the synergy object and it is on a plain grey disk with a white outline.

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